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Internship program
One of the graduation requirements at Alexandria House of English is to complete an internship with one of the community and business institutions in Egypt. The Senior Internship requires each senior to professionally participate in this program for one week at the sites of their chosen institution.
The main objectives of this program are to help students learn the following:
- Foundation Skills: attendance, punctuality, workplace appearance, accepting directions and constructive criticism, motivation, taking the initiative and understanding workplace culture, policy and safety
- Communication and Interpersonal Skills: speaking, listening and interacting with coworkers
- Workplace and Career Skills: computer technology, time management, collecting and organizing information, teaching and instruction, interacting with customers or clients, research and other occupation-specific skills
- Students will be evaluated based on a rubric that the chosen institution will complete and return to the school.
- Students are required to print the attached rubric and give it to the institution.
- Students will complete a daily timesheet, and email to their Teacher Coordinator.
- Students are asked to hand in contact information about their chosen institution.