Mrs. Khodary’s Projects
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Mrs El Khodary’s Projects
Campaign Against Violence
It has been noticed that 90% of parents’ complaints are about aggressiveness and violence between students. Unfortunately, violence has lately become a phenomenon in our society.
It is indeed very alarming when this destructive phenomenon is observed in our little ones, where it is often used haphazardly and without reason. Children yell at each other, scream, they even use hands, fists, and feet, and to top it all they sometimes use foul language.
It is the duty of both parents and the school to act promptly and effectively to stop this common behaviour. The House of English, in an attempt to resist this attitude, is conducting a campaign of a daily ritual by talking to students at Saluting and enforcing punishments for those who insist on using violence with their fellow students in class, in the playground, or on the bus.
I hope I have your support in trying to talk to your children to point out the negativity of this behaviour, to guide them towards more sensible and calmer reactions, and to prevent them from watching movies and cartoons about violence.
Mrs El Khodary’s Projects
Reading Club
- The best friend.
- Best entertainer.
- Best educator.
- Best language enricher.
- Best character builder.
- Best cultural developer.
- Best eye opener.
Instructions and Rules
Membership Instructions and Rules
- Read any book you like.
- Write a short summary.
- Write in your own words and in your own handwriting.
- Write without help from parents, teachers, or any other adult.
- Do not worry about spelling or grammatical and/or structural mistakes.
- Write whatever you think or see or understand about the book.
- It will be read and appreciated simply for the information.
- The purpose is simply to read, understand, analyse and express what you have understood in your own words.
- Write (a) your Name, (b) Class, (c) Book title, (d) Author, (e) Source (where the book came from), (f) Date.
- Once you’ve become a member (with a badge) you are required to submit a summary at least once a month.
- If you fail to do so, you, unfortunately, will lose your membership & your badge.
- Try to submit your work neatly on a fresh sheet of paper and try to make it presentable (still in your own handwriting).
- Do not throw away your work. We will ask you to present it again for either display on the notice board or for the end of the year prize for the best summary.
- Be proud of your membership and try to keep it going.